We're Looking for business partners!

Equanimo offers simple, yet functional products to enable individuals to take care of their own everyday's well-being. Currently we provide a range of 'elevated sleep' solutions within European market. We are constantly looking for ways to raise awareness of our products, and at the same time make the items effectively and efficiently accessible to people who will benefit from using them. We believe that we can achieve the goal through mutually beneficial cooperation with organizations in various industries. If you are one of the following organizations (or individuals) and interested in cooperating with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Accommodation Facilities: Hotels, Apartments, Guesthouses, etc. --- Include an 'EZsleep Wedge - Relax' as a part of your bedroom amenities, or simply have some available upon request. Several guests will surely welcome an option to sleep with their upper-body supported, while many others can also relax in bed using the wedge --- yet another caring gesture that can help your facility create happy and loyal customers!
  • Senior Housing Facilities or Rehabilitation Centers --- Offer our products to your members or clients, or buy in bulk for use in your facility.
  • Governmental Health Department or Local Health Agencies --- Order our items to distribute or made available for users who are in need. We provide subsidized pricing. It is also possible to order 'EZsleep Wedge - Basic', which is designed to be simpler and more affordable without compromising the real benefits of the products.
  • Health Supply Retailers / Pharmacies --- Offer our products at your stores with "zero" stock!
  • Happy Users --- Become our 'Equanimo Advocate' and help us spread the word by sharing your successful experience using our products. Enjoy some bonus while doing good to your friends and family.
  • Media --- Help us reach our potential users, allowing them a chance to enjoy the benefits from our product. We have a referral program that is beneficial to you as well as to your audience.
  • Others --- If you or your organization doesn't fall into the above categories but you see opportunities that we can cooperate, we will certainly love to hear your plan!

Our Contact

ECENTER, s.r.o
Grosslingova 17
Bratislava 811 09
Tel.: +(421) 2 5273 1124
Fax: +(421) 2 5273 1211
Mobile: +(421) 907 654 365
Email: partners(at)equanimo.com

ID: 35 950 706
VAT ID: SK2022 059 050

EQUANIMO.com by ECENTER, s.r.o. Grosslingova 17, Bratislava 811 09, Slovakia | Tel.: +(421) 2 5273 1124 | Fax: +(421) 2 5273 1211| Mobile: +(421) 907 654 365  | Email: contact(at)equanimo.com